
Aranypatkó Restaurant

Address: 9081 Győrújbarát,
István u. 21.

Wine trip

Wine tasting, wine trip, wine dinner
The Pannonhalma hills (also known as the Sokoró hills  wine region is one of the eldest in Hungary, its history leads back to the ancient Roman times and preserves the tradition of small plot wine-growing. We are glad to show you around to discover the varied vineyards interspersed with villages and wine cellars.
There are four excellent wine cellars nearby the Aranypatkó Inn where you can taste wine and find organised wine trips to make your time more unforgettable! Three wineries can be reached within only few walking minutes.
We offer you the opportunity for a wine cellar visit – where you have the opportunity to taste wine with the cellar´s wine-grower being your guide. It is possible to make appointments to all the four cellars and to arrange a wine trip, too. Enjoy a gourmet wine dinner in our Aranypatkó (Golden Horseshoe) Inn’s restaurant where dishes prepared from high quality ingredients of the current season are paired with excellent wines.


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