
Aranypatkó Restaurant

Address: 9081 Győrújbarát,
István u. 21.

Extra fees, Discounts

Extra fees (HUF)




  • Depending upon availability and number of guests we offer you discounted rates for long stay!
  • Early check-in and late-check-out is subject to availability based on our occupancy levels for the day and must be requested in advance.
  • Booking information:
  • For further information contact our reception between 11 a.m. and 10 p.m.
  • Email
  • Upon request: NON-STOP reception service: +36 20 92 11 458
  • We inform you that special offers and discounts are not cumulative!
  • We are pleased to help you to select the most favourable offer. In high seasons discount and special offer packages can only be booked upon previous agreement.
  • Please call our reception to inform about high season periods.
    • Phone number: +36 96 543 730, +36 20 9211 458

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